🍀 St. Patty's Day Sale | 10% OFF | Use Coupon Code PATTY10
Product Title Price Quantity Total
AR-15 bolt carrier group and charging handle in nitride finish. Bolt Carrier Group Nitride Finish and Charging Handle Combo $149.95
Black polymer tactical pistol brace for AR-style pistol, featuring ribbed design and ergonomic support. AR-15 Arm Brace Blade Clamp Style for Round Pistol Buffer Tube $49.95
Ergonomic black polymer angled foregrip for AR 15 pistols with textured grip. Angled Polymer Forward Hand Stop Front Grip for rail $11.95
Red AR-15 pistol upper with tactical rail system and contrasting black components. AR-15 Red Pistol Upper 5.56 "Dirty Devil" RIP Series $549.95
Subtotal $761.80

Shipping to ID.

Total $807.52