🍀 St. Patty's Day Sale | 10% OFF | Use Coupon Code PATTY10
Product Title Price Quantity Total
AR-15 red ultralight furniture set featuring stock, buffer tube, and handguard. AR-15 Complete Rifle Furniture Set 12" in Anodized Red $229.95
Iridescent hair clipper attachment with rainbow hues for precise styling and professional grooming. AR-15 Extended Bolt Catch in Rainbow PVD $32.95
Adjustable matte black rifle stock with buffer tube and recoil spring for AR-style firearms. AR-15 A.C. (Adjustable Cheek) Collapsible Stock Kit $139.95
AR-15 trigger guard with iridescent PVD finish, includes black fasteners against a white background. AR-15 Extended Trigger Guard in Matte Rainbow PVD $29.99
Bright red AR-15 charging handle with ergonomic latch for improved grip and custom look. AR-15 Charging Handle With Gen 2 C-Latch in Anodized Red $54.95
Subtotal $487.79

Shipping to ID.

Total $499.49