🍀 St. Patty's Day Sale | 10% OFF | Use Coupon Code PATTY10
Product Title Price Quantity Total
AR15 9MM Pistol Buffer Tube Kit AR-15 9MM Pistol Buffer Tube Kit $69.95
9mm A2 birdcage flash hider, black metal, reduces muzzle flash, threaded, recoil control. AR 9MM A2 Birdcage Flash Hider $19.95
AR-15 tactical charging handle with first-generation latch, durable matte finish. AR-15 Tactical Charging Handle With 1st Gen Latch $29.99
Durable tan single-point bungee sling with adjustable strap and metal swivel hook. AR-15 Single Point Sling Bungee Style (Tan) $29.99
Subtotal $179.87

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Total $190.67