🍀 St. Patty's Day Sale | 10% OFF | Use Coupon Code PATTY10
Product Title Price Quantity Total
AR-15 Pistol Upper 300 Black Out KeyMod Slim Profile AR-15 Pistol Upper 5.56 7 inch M-LOK Slim Profile with Trident Brake $399.95
AR-15 5.56 Match Grade 16 inch Upper Receiver with 15 inch M-Lok on lower receiver AR-15 5.56 Match Grade 16 inch Upper Receiver with 15 inch M-LOK $449.95
AR-15 Pistol Upper with Short KeyMod and Centurion Brake AR-15 Pistol Upper with Short KeyMod and Centurion Brake $559.95
Bolt Carrier Group Nitride Finish & Charging Handle Combo Bolt Carrier Group Nitride Finish and Charging Handle Combo $149.95
Subtotal $1,559.80

Shipping to ID.

Total $1,653.40